Past Events (Page 5)

Past Events (Page 5)

Men’s Committee Meeting

The Men’s Committee will be meeting April 18, May 2 and May 16, 2017 at 6:00 pm. We are looking for all men to be present as we formulate details of action for the men of Shiloh. Please mark your calendar and see Rev. McGuire for more details.

Skate Night at Ron a Roll

The H.Y.P.E. Young Adults and Youth Ministries are teaming up for a skate night a Ron a Roll in Vernon, CT.  The first 25 children to sign up will be free for this event.  Please sign up your children early with Jennifer Pickett on Sundays in Kingdom Kidz church or email H.Y.P.E. (Helping Young People Evolve)

Men’s Committee Meeting

The Men’s Committee will be meeting April 18, May 2 and May 16, 2017 at 6:00 pm. We are looking for all men to be present as we formulate details of action for the men of Shiloh. Please mark your calendar and see Rev. McGuire for more details.

New Members Spring Meet & Greet

Inviting all new members who have joined Shiloh in the last 6 months to stay after 5th Sunday church service on April 30th to fellowship, meet your Tribal Leaders, enjoy snacks and learn more about getting involved in Shiloh. If you have questions, email