Worship & Arts Ministry
Mission: The purpose of the Worship and Arts Ministry of Shiloh Baptist Church is to usher in the Spirit of God for the ultimate goal of saving souls for Jesus Christ. The ministry set the tone to facilitate worship by using music, dance, drama, and other artistic presentations.
The Worship and Arts Ministry works collaboratively in a Spirit of unity to facilitate an atmosphere of praise to God. In all we do, we seek to demonstrate Christian conduct when supporting, serving, and fellowshipping with others so that each person experiences a “Place of Peace” at Shiloh Baptist Church
WAM consists of the following:
- Praise Team/Shiloh Unlimited
- Voices Of Shiloh
- King T. Hayes Male Chorus
- Shiloh Collective Dance/Arts – Artisena Hill – Liaison (sbcpraisedancers@gmail.com)
When: Meets every Tuesday night at 6pm (email Director for choir schedule)
Leader: Kenny Carter, Director (sbcworshipandartsmin@gmail.com)
Scripture: “But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises.” Hebrews 8:6